Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Halloween Activity and Poster Project

Poster project
In the writing class, I used an activity that includes the cultural information about Halloween. I posted a piece of paper on the wall outside of the classroom. On that paper, I wrote questions like, “When is Halloween?” Each of the students from each group went out of the classroom to look at, memorize, and come back. This was a good warm up activity.

Nov. 1
In the integrated skills class, students worked on a poster presentation project. It was two weeks ago that I handed out essays that was collected from Time magazine and National Geographic magazine. (This means they are authentic English and a bit difficult for the students.) Today was the second day since each group started discussing about writing a poster. Fastest groups started writing on a big piece of paper, but most groups were still doing discussion. I thought they could finish writing a poster within one class hour. But all of them were still discussing the idea of what to write about. The lesson I learned from this experience is that it takes a lot of time for students to finish their work.

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