Saturday, September 09, 2006

Term Exams Will Start.

Hello, everyone. How have you been? I still miss Hawaii and of course you all!
Now so busy days have started. And my school will have term exams next week. So, last week we're busy teaching textbooks for the exams.
And so I have not started something new teaching method yet. Anyway I want to try something after the exams.

Recently there is another trouble which makes me busy. That is a student. After summer vacation, the student is very disobedient and breaking some school rules. That's very difficult age...

I'm sorry the second one is not related to EFL teaching. That's my complaint. Please don't care.
If you start something new in your classes, tell us in this blog.
See you.

From Yorgurt


Shunichi-uh said...

I think 'action log'might be a solution to your problem. Action log is not just for English class. How about working on Action log together ( i mean, teacher and students)? Of course in Japanese, for example, what was goin on today, what you like, what you hate, how you feel in school, what you've said in class, what teacher's reaction was, what you've learnt today, etc.. You and your students can pick up just one topic and only 5 minites for a day. It's important to share some information between you and your student.
Writing down makes the point of the probleb clearer.
Remember, don't be too forceful. you don't have to do that everyday, I think.


yogurt-yuki said...

Dear my friends!
Thank you for your comments. As Yuka said, 16 years boys and girls are very difficult age, I think so.
Anyway, I like my students, so I will do my best. Thank you for your encouragement, Yuka!
And Shunichi's idea is good for managing a homeroom class. I want to try it.
Actually I've been doing something like 'action log!?' That is 'a class journal' [Gakkyu Nisshi in Japanese]. The day duty student of my class write five or six lines as his/her comment about the day on it, and of course I write my comment for the reply to his/her one. That is one communication, I think. I like it.

Shunichi-uh said...

You've already tried the action log, or Class Journal. Then, what about using English? It is true that there is something to be able to express ourselves in English, not in Japanese.
In the beginning, students going to write just one or two sentences but if it's going to work, they will be proud that you are in charge of their class.
